Thursday, January 16, 2014

Vs Veritas

What up world!! Today I wanted to talk about a manga called Veritas. So far I feel like I have only been talking about manga's that no body has ever even heard of but that trend is going to keep going!!
Veritas is a classic supernatural fighting manga. Its about these groups of people that have Ki in their body and are able to use ancient fighting techniques that involve supernatural abilties.
I have never understood the difference between supernatural and superpower when it comes to manga description. I under stand how supernatural are abilities that come naturally and superpower are artificially but in some cases it seems like the switch a lot. If someone could explain it too me that would be awesome!
So the main character, Gangryong, is picked up as the apprentice of one of these people that have mastered their respective fighting style. His name is Youcheon and he uses lightning. Yea that's his marital art. Lightning attacks. So for those that love lightning element. READ THIS MANGA. Youcheon acts and seems like Chun-Woo from the Breaker. And in a lot of ways it is very similar to the Breaker and the Breaker: New Waves. Because as soon as Gangryong learns the basic Youcheon just leaves and dies. So then Gangryong is invited to this school where everyone has abilities like his but unlike everyone else his master was a living legend and said to be one of the strongest people ever. So a lot of people don't like him because he is just some random off the street.

And unlike everyone else Gangryong is almost the only person without artificial Ki. Just about everyone has had artificial Ki injected into them so they will be stronger and be able to revive their fighting style and improve on it as well.
There is also this one dick ass family that runs the school and demands (pretty much) that everyone pools in their knowledge so that everyone with in the school has access to their fighting style. And of course there is a group of students that are fighting against this rule.
Gangryong is sooooo awesome! He is very short tempered and extremely cocky even though he spends his first few weeks just getting beaten up by just about everyone. Which he then turns around and can quickly judge peoples ability level.
So now its a lot like New Waves where he is on his own and he cant learn anything more from his master other then watching videos and using his memory.
Veritas is awesome!! Because the plot has very little to do with the main character. The main plot going on a the school has been in the works for a long time now and unlike most manga where the introduction of the main character stirs up everything. In this manga (even though for a long time it looks like it does) it doesn't. As soon as you get to the end where the whole story gets flipped on his head.
As awesome and funny this manga is. The ending blows only because it leaves you with a cliff hanger for Veritas II. Which sadly has yet to come out

All in all, I would say Veritas is a 8/10
There are only 81 chapters so it's pretty short too.

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